Our Mission
The Sound Wellness Institute is driven to support organizations, and their stakeholders, with an Emergent WorkForce® that breathes community, purpose, creative collaboration, kindness and well-being, while supporting the financial goals of the organization.
By providing extraordinary experiences, well-being, performance, and re-connection with inner strength and purpose, are invigorated.
Our Vision
The Sound Wellness Institute is a global leader in supporting organizational goals by bringing consciousness to business in practical ways.
We see an Emergent WorkForce® where people are inspired, creative, purposeful and passionate about the contribution they make to their organization, and to the World.
Our Why
Even with the enormous advances we have experienced over the past 100 years, people are suffering from more chronic illness than they ever have. Many people are struggling within their workplace. Stress as a reason for absence from work has increased 316 percent since 1995 with over 500,000 Canadians absent every week. Between absenteeism, which is when employees call in sick, and presenteeism, which is when employees show up to work but aren’t performing at the level they would normally be at, the overall cost to the Canadian economy is in excess of $50 billion annually.
Because we are all so deeply wired to respond to sound and music, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, Sound Wellness is a powerful strategy to effectively manage stress, to reclaim the brain, and to reconnect with inner strength and purpose. We all need this!
We see an Emergent WorkForce® where people are inspired, creative, purposeful and passionate about the contribution they make to their organization, and to the world. We see organizations that support all of their stakeholders with a workforce that breathes community, purpose, creative collaboration, kindness and well-being. So that we may bring health and harmony back to our families, and to our communities.

Our Mission
The Sound Wellness Institute is driven to support organizations, and their stakeholders, with an Emergent WorkForce® that breathes community, purpose, creative collaboration, kindness and well-being, while supporting the financial goals of the organization.
By providing extraordinary experiences, well-being, performance, and re-connection with inner strength and purpose, are invigorated.
Our Vision
The Sound Wellness Institute is a global leader in supporting organizational goals by bringing consciousness to business in practical ways.
We see an Emergent WorkForce® where people are inspired, creative, purposeful and passionate about the contribution they make to their organization, and to the World.
Our Why
Even with the enormous advances we have experienced over the past 100 years, people are suffering from more chronic illness than they ever have. Many people are struggling within their workplace. Stress as a reason for absence from work has increased 316 percent since 1995 with over 500,000 Canadians absent every week. Between absenteeism, which is when employees call in sick, and presenteeism, which is when employees show up to work but aren’t performing at the level they would normally be at, the overall cost to the Canadian economy is in excess of $50 billion annually.
Because we are all so deeply wired to respond to sound and music, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, Sound Wellness is a powerful strategy to effectively manage stress, to reclaim the brain, and to reconnect with inner strength and purpose. We all need this!
We see an Emergent WorkForce® where people are inspired, creative, purposeful and passionate about the contribution they make to their organization, and to the world. We see organizations that support all of their stakeholders with a workforce that breathes community, purpose, creative collaboration, kindness and well-being. So that we may bring health and harmony back to our families, and to our communities.